Wednesday, December 18, 2013

These Top 7 Quick Weight Loss Tips

Will Help You Lose Weight FAST!

Here are the top 7 quick weight loss tips that I recommend people use when they want to lose weight fast! These are some of the most effective fat-burning and weight-loss principles you can use! By using these principles consistently, you will be amazed at how quickly you can lose weight and get an amazing body.

Bodybuilders and fitness competitors use these quick weight loss tips in order to prepare for competitions. It helps them lose weight quickly as well as lose the last few kilos of body fat, which are often extremely hard to get off!

Quick Weight Loss Tip 1:
Consume 5-6 small meals a day.

Having 5 or 6 small meals a day is a great way to boost your metabolism, help maintain your muscle mass and increase your body's fat burning ability. However, in saying that, there is no solid research backing up these benefits so at this stage the concept of having small, frequent meals is just a theory only. This is discussed in more detail in the article titled, 'Is Eating 5 or 6 Small Meals a Day Better For Fat Loss Compared to 3 Meals?'

I will admit though, having 5 or 6 small meals a day may not be the best way to go for everyone. For example, if you currently have only 1 or 2 meals a day and need to lose some weight, jumping straight to 5 or 6 meals a day is likely to cause you to gain weight due to the increased food intake unless the size of the meals is really small!

Quick Weight Loss Tip 1: Consume 5-6 small meals a day
It constantly amazes me how many people complain that they're overweight but they only have 1 or 2 meals a day. Having a low meal frequency means that your body is constantly in a 'self-preservation' mode (also known as the 'Anti-Starvation Response'). This occurs because the body thinks it is being starved so it reacts by slowing the metabolism down in order to preserve energy. It also increases appetite and increases the activity of fat-storing enzymes.

More frequent meals is much better from a metabolism-boosting and fat-burning perspective.

Even though having the 5 or 6 meals is great, the substantially reduced size of the meals makes the concept impractical for people with a sluggish metabolism. Perhaps a better way to go may be to simply have 3 meals a day instead of 1 or 2 and then as your metabolism speeds up and your appetite increases, slowly increase your meal frequency.

For example, you may want to have 3 meals a day for 4-6 weeks and then, and you start feeling hungrier, increase your meal frequency to 4 meals a day. Again, with a boost in your metabolism and increase in appetite, you may need to add another meal to your daily intake. Keep in mind though that every time you add a meal you should slightly reduce the size of the other meals in order to accommodate for the increased food (calorie) intake.

Overall, 5 or 6 small meals a day is a great goal to aim for when it comes to your meal frequency.

As far as the types of meals to have when you're consuming 5 or 6 small meals a day in order to lose weight quickly, then you are best to follow a low carbohydrate, low allergen, detox diet. Admittedly, this type of nutritional plan is a little hard to stick to long term and I am especially not a fan of low carb diets as a general rule, but the nutritional plan I suggest is certainly not your typical low carb diet. It is simply slightly lower in carbs compared to the protein component.

Getting your nutritional habits right really is the foundation of the quick weight loss tips. Since your body is made from the food you eat, it simply makes sense that losing weight quickly comes from eating correctly.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 2:
Reduce your daily consumption of high-density carbohydrates.

High-density carbohydrates include foods like bread, pasta, rice and cereals. They tend to cause a rapid rise in blood glucose levels, which invokes the release of insulin from the pancreas. This then stores the glucose. Since the body has a limited capacity for storing glucose, once the liver and muscle stores of glycogen are full the rest gets stored as body fat.

To make matters worse, insulin also stops the body from mobilising and utilising fat as a fuel source; it stops fat burning in its tracks!

in order to burn fat and lose weight effectively, it is essential that you keep insulin secretion as low as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to simply reduce your intake of high-density carbohydrates. There's no need to cut them out altogether, just reduce your intake of them to around 1 or 2 serves a day.

Many low-carb diets suggest cutting them out of your diet entirely but this is not necessary if you want to lose weight and keep it off long term. It is a much more sustainable lifestyle if you allow yourself 1 or 2 serves a day. However, as a part of the quick weight loss tips, you may want to only have rice or oats as your source of high-density carb simply because grain-based sources of carbs may cause an allergic reaction in some people, which results in 'Silent Inflammation' in the body. This may cause your body to retain fluid and therefore stop you from losing weight.

For best results you should emphasise more of the low-density carbs like, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, capsicum, etc. and less of the medium and high-density carbs.

For a comprehensive list of carbohydrate sources in the Macronutrient Table, see pages 136-138 of my e-book, Look Good Feel Great!

Quick Weight Loss Tip 3:
Have a portion of protein with every meal.

Protein is the most important macronutrient because it makes up a component of every cell in our body. Also, since our body is constantly building up and breaking down tissue all day long; it is a dynamic structure, it simply makes sense to ensure that each meal we consume contains a portion of it.

A good analogy to use is a bath of water. Imagine that the tap in the bath is turned on and water flows into it, whilst at the other end the plug is pulled out and water flows out. Even though the water level may not change much, 'new' water molecules enter the bath and 'old' water molecules leave the bath constantly.

Our body is just like the bath. If it breaks down (water leaving the bath) more tissue than it builds up (water entering the bath), then it is said to be in a catabolic state. A catabolic state results in a loss of muscle and therefore a reduction in metabolic rate.

Consuming some protein every 2-3 hours during the day ensures the body has a constant supply of amino acids, which can be used for building body tissue. By doing so, you prevent your body from going into a catabolic state. You also encourage your body to build tissue (anabolic state), which helps to keep your metabolism elevated.

It is actually quite common for people to only have carbohydrate in a meal. For example, they may have a piece of fruit (carbohydrate) for their mid-morning and/ or their mid-afternoon meals. As a result of them not consuming any protein with these meals, their body will still go into a catabolic state since it hasn't received any tissue-building amino acids from protein.

One of the easiest ways to get at least some protein in each of your meals throughout the day is to ensure you consume a small portion of protein as a whole food in your main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and also have a protein shakes for your mid-morning or mid-afternoon meals. If you would like to find out more about how to select the best protein powder for you to use, please read: Best Protein Powder.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 4:
Perform at least 30 minutes of cardiorespiratory (aerobic) exercise twice a day.

Yes, twice a day! Unfortunately, if you're really serious about losing weight quickly then you must be willing to incorporate the most effective principles into your lifestyle and exercising twice a day is certainly one of those!

Quick Weight Loss Tip 4: Perform at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise twice a day
Also, it is important to understand the difference between exercise and activity. Activity involves body movement, i.e. taking the dog for a leisurely walk, walking around a shopping centre, playing lawn bowls, gardening, etc. Exercise on the other hand, involves rigorous body movements, which results in your heart rate increasing, your breathing rate increasing, your face going red and you start sweating! They are vastly different. Therefore, the two exercise session a day must be exercise not simply activity.

Here are some examples of aerobic exercise: brisk walking, cycling (on a stationary bike is fine), swimming, rowing, stepper, cross-trainer, aerobic classes, boxing, etc. Regular exercise is second only to nutrition when it comes to its importance with regards to the quick weight loss tips.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 5:
Perform a resistance (weight) training workout at least twice a week (ideally four times a week).

Weight training is such an important part of any weight-loss program. Unfortunately though, many people neglect this component under the mistaken belief that they will put on weight or have their muscles grow too big!

When your primary goal is to lose weight, weight training is beneficial in helping you preserve your muscle mass as you lose weight. This is important because muscle is one of the most metabolically-active tissues in the body, which means it burns up a lot of energy, including fat.

If you don't perform any resistance training exercise as you lose weight your body will lose both fat and muscle. In fact, up to half of the weight you lose can come from muscle tissue! A loss of muscle means that your metabolism will slow down substantially, making further weight loss more difficult.

By incorporating weights into your regular exercise program you will be able to maintain your muscle mass, keep your metabolism elevated and will be able to burn off body fat faster. Best of all, you only need to perform 2 30-minute sessions a week in order to obtain the muscle-preserving benefits it offers.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 6:
Use a fat burning supplement.

Fat burning supplements are generally capsules containing a range of thermogenic herbs, which can assist your weight-loss/ fat-burning efforts by speeding up your metabolism, giving you an energy boost and by forcing your fat cell to release stored fat into the blood stream, which the body can use as a fuel source.

The top fat burners on the market can definitely help you lose weight faster but it is important to keep in mind that they're definitely not 'magic pills'! They can't make up for poor eating habits or a wayward lifestyle. They are simply 'weight-loss catalysts'. Nevertheless, they are still one of the most important quick weight loss tips.

Most fat burners (also known as thermogenics) contain a range of thermogeinc herbs such as, guarana or coffee arabica, green tea and citrus aurantium. In order to be effective, it's important that these ingredients are provided in therapeutic dosages.

XLR8 Thermogenic by BCN is an example of an effective thermogenic fat burner. It contains a combination of powerful herbs all selected based on their ability to help boost your metabolism, burn body fat and give you an energy boost.

For best results, take 1-2 capsules twice a day; once in the morning prior to your morning exercise session and once with your lunch. It is best not to take fat burners later than 4:00pm in the afternoon because they may keep you awake at night.

Always seek your doctor's approval first before using fat burners.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 7:
Don't eat or drink anything (except water) for 20-30 minutes after every exercise session.

The combination of exercise and thermogenics means that your metabolism remains elevated for quite a while after the completion of the exercise session. This means that your body will keep burning fuel (including fat) during the 'post-exercise window'.

Exercise causes the body's carbohydrate stores (muscle and liver glycogen and blood glucose) to become depleted. This means that after exercise the body will use a greater proportion of fat as a fuel source. This is also why morning exercise is so effective. Since the body is already in a mildly depleted state in the morning (after sleeping and fasting for the previous 6-8 hours), exercise before breakfast, especially if a thermogenic fat burner is used, will definitely promote greater fat burning.

If you consume a meal immediately after an exercise session, your blood sugar level will rise. This induces insulin secretion from the pancreas, which promotes the storage of carbohydrate, fat and other nutrients in the body but it also stops the body from burning fat. This is why it is beneficial to wait 20-30 minutes after exercise before having your next meal. However, don't wait longer than that though because cortisol will rise and that will promote muscle breakdown, which will slow your metabolism down.

This is one of the most simple but effective quick weight loss tips.

Overall, these top 7 quick weight loss tips will help you achieve your weight-loss goal in record time! Use them and then prepare to watch your body transform in record time!

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