Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Slimmer This Summer

Feel better about yourself this summer!

These nine steps are here to help you focus on losing weight this summer! The full nine-week program is designed to help you stay slim while actually enjoying what you eat, encouraging you to adopt a simpler lifestyle and lifelong healthy habits. This easy-to-follow plan will allow you to get rid of those unwanted pounds with incredibly flavorful and satisfying meals, full of sustaining wholesome foods that have been enjoyed for centuries by those in the Mediterranean.
1. ACKNOWLEDGE the pain

Accept that you’re upset, sad, tired, and frustrated with your current weight and health.
2. Specifically OBSERVE what causes this feeling

Observe the conditions and situations, and the feelings inside you and around you that contribute to the unhappiness you feel being overweight.
3. THINK and FEEL about the alternative

Imagine what it would be like to rid yourself of these excess pounds and unhappy feelings as you strive towards your own ideal weight.
4. ANALYZE your reasons for losing weight

Think about why you want to become slimmer (to feel better, to look better), and how your life is negatively impacted by remaining overweight. Repeat these analyses constantly.
5. CREATE incentives for losing weight

These are springboards that will give you the drive and power to stick with your weight-loss plan (a vacation, new outfit, or other reward).
6. DECIDE to begin

You've made your decision. Express it constantly and happily. Say to yourself, “I can and will get to my ideal weight.”
7. ACT on your commitment

Make a daily effort by going on the SLIMMER nutritional program, drinking more water, and increasing your physical activity.
8. EMPOWER your effort

Emit positive thoughts and energy for success. Feel good about your effort.
9. WITNESS the results

You’ve now lost all your excess pounds, and have achieved your ideal weight. Remember: To maintain your ideal weight forever, you need to permanently adopt the good dietary habits of the Slimmer program.

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